MEP Sakorafa said: “From the outset I expressed my deep conviction that the cooperation agreement and political dialogue is a powerful framework for developing equal relations between the European Union and Cuba. This joint effort should be guided by the principles of reciprocity and cooperation without conditions or discrimination.”

Sakorafa appreciated the fact that Ms. Mogherini announced her intention to withdraw the EU's common position because, although in practice it was non-operational, it was in fact a significant obstacle as it violated the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of States.

She also raised the issue of the embargo saying that the blockade of Cuba by the United States for 60 years was criminal and it must be removed urgently.

“It is worth noting however that although blocked, Cuba provides free universal public education with impressive scientific results and free universal health care.  Cuba also has the best indicators at all levels and is a pioneer in areas of prevention and ongoing research in the pharmaceutical and medical field.”

MEP Sakorafa concluded: “I hope the first positive effects will soon become visible to the Cuban people who, even under the most difficult conditions, did not surrender their dignity or their right to decide on their lives and their country!”


GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20

Nikki Sullings + 32 483 03 55 75

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