
GUE/NGL has called on the EU institutions and member states to negotiate in good faith with the newly-elected Greek government on its reform and reconstruction programme.

The new plan for Greece must prioritise development, growth and structural reforms that will enhance transparency and accountability in the public sector, boost a sound economy and investments, fight corruption and unemployment and provide equal access to education and health.

This plan should be the result of negotiations between the Greek government and the EU institutions and its partners, and not the Troika.

Since the Greek elections, where voters freely chose to break with damaging austerity, the new Greek government has demonstrated its strong political will to openly discuss all possibilities and solutions on its debt and has underlined its commitment to speed up essential structural reforms to modernise public administration and fight tax evasion and corruption, which for decades have subjected Greek people to unbearable economic stagnation, social injustices, and inequalities.

The EU should give space and time to the Greek government to deliver. More pressure on the Greek people will be counter-productive and catastrophic with severe consequences for Greece and the EU at the socio-economic and political level.

Now is the time for dialogue and constructive debate for a new Greek development and growth policy based on a sound economy and social cohesion.

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