
Today the European Parliament voted in favour of a proposal by GUE/NGL MEP Anja Hazekamp (Partij voor de Dieren, Netherlands) to end Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) subsidies to bullfighting. Millions of euros end up with breeders of fighting bulls each year.

In 2015, the European Parliament adopted a proposal to exclude breeders of fighting bulls from receiving EU subsidies. However, the European Commission responded that under current CAP rules it was impossible to prevent EU subsidies from going to these breeders.

By adopting Hazekamp’s proposal, the European Parliament calls on the Commission to make the necessary adjustments to the CAP to prevent subsidies from contributing to bullfighting.  

“It is now up to the Commission to amend the CAP rules to avoid EU subsidies from being used in bullfighting. CAP rules are expected to be drastically adapted in the coming years so this is the perfect time to take action to end bullfighting subsidies.”

“Bullfighting is a pure form of animal abuse that many people oppose. It is unacceptable that EU citizens are paying for such cruelties involuntarily,” Hazekamp said.

The proposal is part of a report on the future of food and farming in the EU. The Commission is expected to publish its legislative proposal for a revised CAP on the 1st of June.

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