Thursday 18th April | 9.00 -12.30
European Parliament, Brussels | Room ASP 1G3
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Deadline for registration: 12 April 2024.
The adoption of the new Pact on Migration is bad news for the individual right to asylum in Europe. A new era is ushering in Europe that no longer has much to do with the right to asylum and the EU and its Member States are gradually moving further away from it. The deaths at the EU’s external borders will therefore not stop and the suffering of those affected and their families will not be ended but rather worsened through this new legislation.
But dealing with asylum and migration is not a side issue, it reflects the way we live together and democracy on our continent. This initiative deals with the way forward after this historical caesura in European asylum policy and aims at bringing together MEPs, NGOs and activists on the issue to discuss constructive ways & practical actions forward in our common fight for the right to asylum and a humane EU asylum and migration policy.
Interpretation: German, English, French, Greek, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese
9.00: Introduction
by Cornelia Ernst, Member of European Parliament, The Left, Germany
9.30: What does the New Pact mean concretely on the ground?
Moderator: Malin Björk, Member of European Parliament, The Left, Sweden
• Catherine Woolard, ECRE
• Sergio Cecchini, Médecins sans frontières
• Minos Mouzourakis, RSA
• Eleonora Celoria, ASGI
• Sara Prestianni, Euromed Rights
Contribution from the floor and debate
11.15: Ways of resistance forward
Moderator: Anne-Sophie Pelletier, Member of European Parliament, The Left, France
• David Yambio, refugees in Libya
• Ahmad Mahmoud Ahmad Mahmoud, film maker
• Marie Naass, Sea-Watch
• Iftach Cohen, Front-Lex
• Tiago da Cruz, From the Sea to the city
Contribution from the floor and debate, moderated by Anabela Rodrigues MEP, The Left, Portugal
Conclusion by Miguel Urbán Crespo, Member of the European Parliament, Spain