
European Parliament, Brussels, Altiero Spinelli Building, room 1G2


Critical evaluation of the austerity programmes & the scrutiny role of the European Parliament in the case of Greece and beyond
European Parliament, ASP 1G2
5 April 2016, 09.00 – 12.30

09.00–09.15: Opening by GUE/NGL President Gabriele Zimmer and Marisa Matias, ECON Coordinator, GUE/NGL

09.15–10.45: The role of the European Parliament in criticising and enforcing transparency and scrutiny upon the austerity programme in Greece

Chair:      Marisa Matias, ECON Coordinator, GUE/NGL, Portugal    
Dimitris Papadimoulis, Vice President of the European Parliament and member of the EP Financial Assistance Working Group, GUE/NGL, Greece.
Elisa Ferreira, ECON member  and member of the EP Financial Assistance Working Group, S&D, Portugal
Ernest Urtasun, ECON member and member of the EP Financial Assistance Working Group, The Greens/EFA, Spain
Short Interventions by MEPs, who are ECON members or/and members of the EP Financial Assistance Working Group

10.30-10.45:    Special Intervention by Roberto Gualtieri, Chair of the ECON Committee and EP Financial Assistance Working Group  


10.45-11.15:    Special Intervention: Baudillo Tomé Muguruza, The European Court of Auditors, leader of the special reports on financial assistance provided to countries in difficulties and on the technical assistance to Greece.


11.15–12.15:    A critical evaluation of austerity programmes: Lessons learned and challenges ahead.

Chair: Matt Carthy, ECON Committee member, GUE/NGL, Ireland    

Daniel Gros, Director, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels

Fabio de Masi, member of ECON committee and the EP Financial Assistance Working Group, GUE/NGL, Germany

Dr Connor McCabe, University of Dublin, Ireland


12.15–12.30:    Conclusions and closure by GUE/NGL President Gabriele Zimmer and Dimitris Papadimoulis, Vice President of the European Parliament

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