
European Parliament Brusses - room ASP 1G2


09.00 – 09.15:  Opening by Gabi Zimmer President of GUE/NGL and Dimitris Papadimoulis, Vice President of the European Parliament and ECON member, GUE/NGL.


09.15 – 10.45: Rebuilding austerity-stroke economies and societies: Models for inclusive and sustainable growth                       


                        Chair: Matt Carthy, GUE/NGL, ECON member, Ireland


  • Ozlem Onaran, Director of Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre, University of Greenwich, London
  • Zsolt Darvas, Senior Fellow, Bruegel Institute, Brussels
  • Veronica Nilsson, Deputy General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation, Brussels
  • Giorgos Galanis, Goldsmiths College University of London and New Economics Foundation


10.45 – 12.15:  Enhancing fair development and growth in the EU peripheral economies and the role of EFSI.


Chair: Matt Carthy, GUE/NGL, ECON member, Ireland


  • EFSI: Fabio De Masi, GUE/NGL, ECON member, Germany.
  • Ireland: Prof. Jim Stewart, School of Business, Trinity College Dublin
  • Spain: Ernest Urtasun, The Greens, ECON member, Spain.
  • Portugal: Mariana Mortagua, Economist, MP
  • Greece: Petros Linardos Rulmond, Advisor to the Greek Deputy Minister of Economy and Nicos Poulantzas Institute


12.15–12.30:   Conclusions by Gabi Zimmer President of GUE/NGL and Dimitris Papadimoulis, Vice President of the European Parliament and ECON member.


For further information and registration please contact: [email protected] or [email protected]