The Feminist Forum is back for 2020!
⚠ ATTENTION: NEW LOCATION. La Tricoterie, Rue Théodore Verhaegen 158, 1060 Brussels.
Join us for a day of action, films, art and other cool events that will ‘Smash The Patriarchy’, and celebrate ‘Feminism & Revolution’ on Wednesday 4th March at La Tricoterie, Brussels.
The day will be rounded off in La Tricoterie where the theme will be ‘Women in Struggle’, and a free concert by Manou Gallo.
Simultaneous Translation in FR, EN, ES
Live streaming will be available from 14h00 – 18h30
14h00-16h00 Panel 1: Women in Revolution: Marxism and Feminism
Introduction/Moderation Sira Rego, MEP Spain, Vice-president of GUE-NGL
Saliha Boussedra Philosopher. Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Strasbourg, Marx, Women and Class Struggle
Francoise De Smedt, Member of Brussels Parliament, member of the PTB Women’s Committee, Struggles for the equality in Belgium
Jule Goikoetxea, Professor in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and writer: Approach on the Basque perspective
Exchange of views
Conclusion – Pernando Barrena, MEP Basque Country
16h00-16h30 – Coffee break
16h30-18h30 Panel 2: #ListenToSurvivors: from victims of sexual exploitation and prostitution, to advocates for Abolition and Equality.
Introduction Sandra Pereira, MEP Portugal, GUE Coordinator for FEMM Committee
Moderation Pierrette Pape, director of isala asbl, coordinator of GenerationAbolition, Belgium
Screening of the clip “Not for sale” (Marie Vermeiren / European Women’s Lobby) (16h47, 3 minutes)
Maïté Lønne, survivor, writer, activist, Belgium
Pascale Rouges, survivor, activist, Belgium
Marie Merklinger, survivor, activist, Germany
Anne Darbes, survivor, writer of “Le visage de l’autre”, France
Screening of the Video of the world march of survivors
Catriona Graham, Policy Officer, European Women’s Lobby
Exchange of views
Conclusion – Malin Björk, MEP Sweden
19h00-20h30 Panel 3: Women in struggle
Introduction: Sandra Pereira, MEP Portugal, GUE Coordinator for FEMM Committee
Anne Mejias De Haro, jurist, Trade unionist CGT against the financiarisation of the big companies.
Carine Rosteleur, nurse, regional secretary CGSP on the “blouse blanches” movement, Belgium
Alba de Vicente Barbero, Member of the 8th of March Movement in Spain
Oihana Etxebarrieta, Member of the Basque Autonomous Parliament. Proposal to domestic workers to dignify their life
Notopoulou Aikaterini, SYRIZA, Member of Parliament, Thessaloniki A’ Region, Member of the Special Permanent Committee on Equality, Youth and Human Rights: Feminist movements are still alive in Greece
Irini Agathopoulou, SYRIZA, Member of Parliament, 1st Vicepresident of Parliamentary Committee for Gender Equality, Youth and Human Rights: SYRIZA government’s policies for gender equality and their abolition of the new neoliberal government
20h30-22h: Concert Manou Gallo
22h30: end of the evening