

“Fighting for water democracy in the EU following the right2water European Citizen’s Initiative”


11th of January 2017

Room ASP A1G-02 from 15.00 to 18.30

Initiative organised by

 MEP Sofia Sakorafa- PCP Delegation – MEP Stefan Eck

Opening: MEP Sofia SAKORAFA, GUE/NGL, Greece (up to 5 minutes)

1) Panel 1: Updates in water privatization push and citizens resistance in the EU 

Moderator MEP João FERREIRA, GUE/NGL, Portugal 

(1hour and 45 minutes) – Interventions – up to 10 minutes

ECI and the referendum in Ireland, MEP Lynn BOYLAN, GUE/NGL, Ireland
New privatization push in Denmark, MEP Margete AUKEN, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, Denmark
Ms Luísa Tovar, PCP Representative
Ms Maria Kanellopoulou, Savegreekwater GREECE
The successful campaign in Slovenia, Mr. Matej Vatovec, Member of the Slovenian Parliament, United Left.    

Questions and answers (depending on the time left)

 2) Panel 2: Post ECI Challenges: Building on right2water success – Putting a stop to water commercialization & implementing the UN Human right to water (political thoughts, strategies and actions) 

Moderator MEP STEFAN ECK, GUE/NGL, Germany 

(1 hour and 15 minutes) -Interventions – up to 10 minutes

Post ECI strategies, Mr Jan Goudriaan EPSU

Trade deals and/or EU legislation affecting right2water,         Mr David Sanchez, Food and Water Europe 
Re-municipalisation in the water sector: Dr Emanuele Lobina, Principal Lecturer in Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU), University of Greenwich 

Questions and answers (depending on the time left)

Conclusions- All 3 MEPs (25 minutes)


Interpretation FR,DE,EN,DA,EL,PT, SV

For more information please contact: [email protected]