
Food sovereignty within a new Common Agricultural Policy

Welcome speech: Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS, Vice-president of the European Parliament

Panel 1:     Food sovereignty in the European Union – State of Play

Moderator: Lidia SENRA, GUE/NGL MEP


Geneviève Savigny, Coordination Committee ECVC (European Coordination Via Campesina)

Isabel Vilalba Seivane, Secretary General, SLG Sindicato Labrego Galego – Galician Farmers Union.

Joris Lohman, Slow Food, Member of the Executive Board

Gianni Tamino, Professor University of Padua

Eva Torremocha, expert in agroecology, researcher, Pablo de Olavide University

Panel 2:     Challenges for the CAP reform (what do we want from the CAP?)

Moderator: Patrick LE HYARIC, GUE/NGL MEP


Stavros Arachovitis, SYRIZA MP, coordinator of the parliamentary group of SYRIZA in Agriculture

Pierre THOMAS, Secrétaire général du MODEF (France)

Mikel Hirribaren, Secretary General, Confédération Paysanne

Alessandra De Santis Head of the Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori office in Brussels


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