
Open mic event on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Human Rights: a reality for all persons with disabilities? 

Wednesday, 17/10/2018, 15:00-18:30 

Brussels, European Parliament

Room ASP 1 G2


14:30-15:00 Registration

15:00-15:10 Opening – Welcome speech (/es)

15:10- 16:10

1st Panel- Disability Rights and European Parliament upcoming elections; increasing access to the political process for persons with disabilities

Moderator: MEP KUNEVA Kostadinka (GR, SYRIZA)

– Mr Jorge FALCATO, Member of the Portuguese Parliament (PT)

– Mr Charalambos CHRISTOPOULOS, Special advisor for issues related to the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities (GR)

– Mrs Nadia HADAD, Executive Committee Member, European Disability Forum (EDF)

Round of discussion – Q&A


2nd Panel- Disability in EU and international law

Moderator: MEP MATIAS Marisa (PT, Bloco de Esquerda)

– Mrs Anna LAWSON, Law Professor, Director of Leeds University-wide interdisciplinary Centre for Disability Studies, Leeds University (UK)

– Mr Adolf RATZKA, Member of the advisory board of ENIL

– Mrs Inmaculada PLACENCIA PORRERO, Deputy Head of Unit for Rights of Persons with Disabilities DG Justice, European Commission

Round of discussion – Q&A

17:00-17:15 Coffee Break


3rd Panel- Knocking down walls to live independently

Moderator: MEP BJÖRK Malin (SV, Vänsterpartiet)

– Mrs Nevena PENEVA, Disability Rights expert, Equality and Citizens’ Rights Department, Fundamental Rights Agency

– Mrs Veronika KALLANDER, Sundbybergs´ city Municipal Assembly representative, Member of the Political Board of Vänsterpartiet (SV)

– Mr Bilbo SPåNGBERG, Disability Rights activist, Member of Vänsterpartiet, (SV)

– Mrs Diana SANTOS. CVI – Center of Independent Life (PT)

Round of discussion – Q&A


 For more information contact: [email protected]