
 Human Rights in Egypt

Louise Weiss S2.1

14:00-14:10 opening remarks: Lynn Boylan MEP 

14:10- 14:25 Ibrahim Halawa, Irish Teenager detained in Egypt for four years. 

Arrested at a protest in Cairo when he was 17 years old. Since his release last October Ibrahim has spoken at various public events about his arrest and time in prison 

14:25-14:40 Leslie Piquemal, Cairo Institute

Leslie Piquemal is the Ciaro institutes EU advocacy representative. The Cairo Institute is an independent regional non-governmental organization which aims to promote respect for the principles of human rights and democracy in the Arab region.

14:40-14:55 Taher Mokhtar. Doctor & activist with “Medical Neglect in Places of Detention is a Crime”.  

Taher Mokhtar is a human rights defender who was detained by Egyptian authorities in January 2016 as part of a crackdown on human rights defenders. 

14:55-15:15 Moataz el Feiery. Front line defenders.

Moataz el Feirey works for Front Line Defenders, his focus is on highlighting and protecting human rights defenders in the Middle East and North Africa. He will speak about the repression faced by Nubians and other minority communities in Egypt 

15:15-15:45 Q&A

15:45-16:00 closing remarks