04 July | 09:30-12:30
European Parliament – Brussels |
 Room: ASP 1G2 Manolis Glezos

The problems the artists have been facing, such as no proper contracts or fair payment, have been exacerbated during the pandemic, when all the cultural activities stopped. The Left in the European Parliament is organising an event bringing together artists to inform each other about the harsh realities in their countries, to talk about possible solutions and how the European Parliament could better support their rights.

Interpretation in DE, EN FR, EL, ES, PT, TR


OPENING: Niyazi Kizilyurek-MEP, Coordinator of the The Left in CULT

Working Conditions, income and funding for artists and workers in the CCS – Where we are and what we are fighting for
Moderator: MEP Martina Michels

  • Working Conditions, social security coverage, income, pension rights ext.
  • The situation in EU countries

Kostas Kosta, Head of the Cultural Sector of the C.C. of AKEL, Cyprus

Torsten Wöhlert, State secretary a.d, Germany

Aris Laskos, General Secretary of the Greek Actors Union, Greece


EU Challenges for artists and workers in the CCS – Where we are and what we are fighting for

 Challenges arising from differences among CCS

Umay Yilmaz, Artist and Creative Director

  • Power relations, sexual and other forms of harassment and abuse in the CCS

Andry Demetriou, Head of Bi-Communal cultural office and Head of office of actors of trade union PEO

  • Artistic Freedom,

Emin Cizenel, Artist
George Gavriel, Painter