16 November | European Parliament – ASP 1G2 | 15h00-18h30

Cuba has had to face the consequences of two catastrophes: COVID 19 and the blockade imposed by the government of the United States for over six decades, intensified in an opportunistic and inhumane manner in recent years. 

With guests from Cuba joining MEPs and solidarity movements in Europe, we will discuss the effects of the blockade in Cuba and outside the country and the urgent need to let Cuba live.

Languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Italian, German and Dutch

Invited Cuban deputies:
• Félix Martínez Suárez, chairman of the Economic Commission of the National Assembly of the People’s Power.
• Enrique Alemán Gutierrez, Cuban academic and religious.



First panel
Escalation of the blockade and its impact on the Cuban population.

Second panel
Extraterritorial effects of the blockade following the activation of Titles III and IV of the Helms-Burton Act. EU actions to counteract them.

#MejorSinBloqueo #EndtheEmbargo #MieuxSansBlocus #BeterZonderBlokkade