THE LEFT political group in the European Parliament, especially the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) and the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, is organising a hybrid conference on Progressive Policies for Growth and Employment, on 7 December from 09.30 to 12.30 (Brussels time), in the European Parliament (Altiero Spinelli 6Q1).
This is a European conference to present and discuss ideas for policy measures, which can put Europe on a different development trajectory where job creation and equitable growth takes center stage. It will elaborate on the causes of falling wage share and prospects for inclusive growth, as well as the positive consequences of development to national and European economy along with the access to social protection and the sustainable development goals.
On 7 December, we will discuss you how can we overcome the grave economic and social consequences of the pandemic, to elaborate on alternatives of the current EU economic governance framework, strengthening public investments and public sector.
Politicians, Members of the European Parliament from The Left, the Socialists & Democrats and The Greens, Academics and Trade Unionists have already confirmed participation. Please see the Draft Agenda below.
The event will be web-streamed live and there is a possibility for simultaneous interpretation in English, French, German, Portuguese, Greek, Spanish, and Italian.
The following link is for viewers and you can use it the day of the conference and also to distribute it to interested people, who want to follow the Conference (possibly) in an active way. There will be the for Q&A session through chat.
You are most welcome.
09.30-09.40 Introductory Remarks by MEP Martin Schirdewan, Co-President of THE LEFT
09.40-11.00 Panel I: Progressive Policies for Inclusive Growth
Chair: MEP Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Vice-President of the European Parliament, ECON & BUDG Committees, THE LEFT
Prof. Arne Heise, University of Hamburg, Author of the study on a New EU Economic Framework
MEP Jose Gusmao, ECON Committee Coordinator & EMPL Committee, THE LEFT
MEP Evelyn Regner, FEMM, ECON & EMPL Committees, S&D (tbc)
MEP Stasys Jakeliunas, ECON & IMCO Committees, The Greens/EFA (tbc)
Mrs Mairéad Farrell, Spokesperson Public Expenditure and Reform, Sinn Féin
11.00-12.30 Panel II: Progressive Policies for High-Level and Full Employment
Chair: MEP Kostas Arvanitis, EMPL & LIBE Committees, THE LEFT
MEP Nikolaj Villumsen, EMPL Committee Coordinator, THE LEFT Coordinator
Mrs Efi Achtsioglou, ex-Minister of Labour and Member of Parliament, SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, Greece
Mrs Esther Lynch, Vice-General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation
Participation of Spanish official* (tbc)