
European Parliament - Brussels - PHS building room 1C051


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09h00. Welcome and introduction:

MEP Joao PIMENTA LOPES, Vice-chair of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly

09h15 First Panel: “La Habana peace agreement: implementation and perspective for the victims”.

Moderate: MEP Tania GONZÁLEZ, Vice-chair of the EP´s Delegation for relations with the countries of the Andean Community

  • Sergio Jaramillo, Appointed Colombian Ambassador to the EU
  • Jhon Fredy León, Legal Advisor in the FARC-EP Peace Delegation
  • Alexander Aguilar, National Association of Colombian displaced people (ANDESCOL)
  • Edilberto Daza, Fundación para los Derechos Humanos en el Centro y el Oriente de Colombia

10h45 Open floor with civil society organizations. Among others:

–   Jorge Mejía, Constituyente de Exiliados perseguidos por el Estado Colombiano

–   Veruska Nieto Borja, VivosVZW

–   Eliecer Jiménez Julio, Comité Permanente de Derechos Humanos CPDH

–   Jaime Cedano, Plataforma andaluza por la paz de Colombia


for info & registration please contact: [email protected]