
European Parliament Alterio Spinelli Building room G3 - 5th floor


Europe is experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis since the 2nd World War, with the daily influx of thousands of people fleeing conflicts in Syria and Iraq. Although article 18 of the charter of fundamental rights of the EU expressly recognizes the right of asylum enshrined in the Geneva convention, European and member state's authorities today have not operated effective responses to a situation that certainly puts test our solidarity. the solutions agreed within the frame of the EU-turkey agreement are not only illegal and far from giving an adequate answer to the humanitarian crisis, but they run the risk to make the refugees endure new traumas and violations of their rights.

Since then, many cities are joining the spirit of the call by receiving and hosting refugees. as stated by the public letter to the mayors and supportive mayors have signed, States are those that granted asylum status, but Cities are actually those that are addressing the humanitarian context in the forefront, often with very limited resources.

The EU has not only the responsibility of acting, mobilizing funds and implementing measures in the short, medium and long term to offer a comprehensive response to the humanitarian emergency but also of exhorting the Member States to do so. Undoubtedly, the way in which Europe can respond to the most important humanitarian challenge of this century will reveal the extent to which our institutions are effective in terms in ensuring the respect and promotion of human rights.

The meeting Solidacities is aimed at echoing the solidarity call from the local governments to spread and encourage the initiative worldwide.

On the other hand, it seems absolutely essential to trigger a dialogue between the cities that are already organizing the reception and care of displaced persons on one side, the civil society organizations giving direct support on the ground wherever the refugees are and the European left parties.


MEPS CO-ORGANISERS: Miguel URBAN – Malin BJORK – Cornelia ERNST – Barbara SPINELLI – Stelios KOULOGLOU – Marina ALBIOL – Iosu JUARISTI – Stefan ECK – Lola SÁNCHEZ – Marie-Christine VERGIAT – – Marisa MATIAS- Tania GONZÁLEZ “




Current situation of refugees in Europe

– Aurélie Ponthieu,  Humanitarian Adviser at Médecins sans Frontières

– François Fille, Chargé de Plaidoyer Européen at Médecins du Monde

– Rand Abou Fakher, Syrian refugee student resident in Belgium

– Susan Arian, Afghan refugee

– Said Mudjibullah, Afghan refugee


EU response to the humanitarian crisis

– Mark Akkerman, author of Border Wars, TNI

– Claire Rodier, Migreurop/GISTI

– Marie-Elisabeth Ingres, MSF Head of Mission in Greece




. Presentation of the initiative “We, the cities of Europe” Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona (video-message); David Llistar, Coordinator for Global Justice and International Cooperation Municipality of Barcelona; Dolors Sabater, Mayor of Badalona and Fátima Taleb, Councillor of Badalona

– Cities’ representatives will speak on the particular context they are facing and the responses they are implementing and/or planning

– Municipality of Lesvos, Mayor Spyros Galinos 

– Municipality of Paris, Ian Brossart, assistant to the Mayor of Paris

– Municipality of Riace, Mayor Domenico Lucano

– Municipality of Stockholm, Vice-Mayor  Ann-Margarethe Livh

– Municipality of Mansfeld-Südharz, Mayor Angelika Klein

– Municipality of Valencia, Mayor Joan Ribó

– Municipality of Torres Novas: Margarida Trindade, Head of Unit Reception and integration

– Municipality of Andravida/Kilini, Mayor Nampil-Iosif Morant

-Municipality of Grande-Synthe, Olivier Caremelle, Cabinet Director

– Municipality of Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Mayor Pedro Del Cura

– Municipality of Ghent, Neelke Vernaillen, Staff-Office of Vice-Mayor Coddens

– Municipality of  Iruñea-Pamplona, MayorJoseba Asirón

– Municipality of Camini, Mayor  Giuseppe Alfarano

– Municipality of Thessaloniki, Vice-Mayor Calipso Goula

– Municipality of Zaragoza, Mayor Pedro Santisteve

– Municipality of Acquaformosa, Mayor Giovanni Manoccio

– Municipality of Tilos, Mayor Maria Kamma

– Municipality of Madrid, Councillor Rommy Arce




– Aspasia Papadopoulou, Senior Policy Officer at ECRE

– Caroline Intrand, Director of CIRÉ, Coordination d’Initiatives pour les Réfugiés et Etrangers

– Mustafa Fallih Al-jammas, Coordinator of “Refugees got talent”

– Renauld Jean Louis, Citizen volunteering in the camp of Calais.

– Ana Fornés, Activist from the Spanish Citizen Movements supporting refugees.



Round-table with MEPs (GUE/NGL, Greens/ALE, S&D, EFDD), Mayors and Representatives of International and EU institutions, NGOs and grassroots movements and organisations : Towards a roadmap of commonly-implemented actions to tackle the humanitarian crisis 

       What solutions can be put forward, disseminated to other cities and be adapted in Europe, especially in the cities that are closer to the front-lines of refugee flows?

       What are the EU plans and measures to be adopted and how can synergies and links between the European and the local levels be created?

       What structural actions addressing the root causes of the humanitarian crisis can we contribute to implement?





To register, send an email by Tuesday 11th October with the following information: family name, first name, date of birth, nationality, type of ID card, Number ID card,  to [email protected]