On the eve of the CETA vote,

MEPs Anne-Marie Mineur (GUE/NGL), in cooperation with Maria Arena (S&D), and José Bové (Greens-EFA), invite to the conference:


European Parliament, Strasbourg, Tuesday 14th February at 15:30, Room S.2.1

After Trump’s election, there are more reasons even to oppose CETA.

And if the European Parliament does not reject this harmful agreement this week, the peoples or the judges will do it later.

With participation of and as guest speakers:

– Blair Redlin, Canada, Co-chair of the Trade Justice Network, and former researcher of the Canadian Union of Public Employees

– Daniel Feher, German Stop TTIP campaign

– Joan Josep Nuet i Pujals, MP of Catalunya for CETA free Regions and Cities

– Mathilde Dupré, (Institut Vleben) on SMEs

– Roelien Knottnerus, researcher from SOMO

followed by an open debate.

For access to the European Parliament, please send the following form before Monday 12th February noon : https://goo.gl/forms/YCbEWzQHP7PI5p6j2

Contact: [email protected] [email protected]


MONDAY 13 February 12:45

Meeting of press with French MEPs who are leaving for Strasbourg

*Photo opportunities

Front of Gare de l’Est, Paris


Symbolic handover of CETA CHECK by Vice-President of EP, Papadimoulis and other Vice-Presidents

*Photo opportunities

In front o European Parliament (EP), Strasbourg

TUESDAY 14 February


Distribution of 200 Stop CETA T-shirts


GUE/NGL Press briefing

covering various topics including CETA, Malta Summit, Eurogroup Greek review & others. MEPs: Anne-Marie Mineur, Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Neoklis Sylikiotis


Open debate: Reasons and means to reject CETA Room S.2.1

EP, Strasbourg


Press conference: Reasons and means to reject CETA co-invited by Helmut Scholz (GUE/NGL MEP), Maria Arena (S&D MEP and Ska Keller (Green MEP, TBC) with participation of representatives of organisations opposing CETA from the EU and Canada, as well as local authorities in Spanish)

Press conference room LOW N-1/201,


Rally organised by STOP CETA Campaign

Food, drinks, speeches by MEPs and CSOs and music

GUE/NGL MEPs very much welcome.

*Photo opportunities


19, rue du Ban de la Roche, 67000 Strasbourg

STOP CETA Campaign

WEDNESDAY 15 February

8:00 – 9:00

Action by NGOs outside Parliament with Trojan Horse and more, corridor welcoming MEPs rejecting CETA, *Photo opportunities


EP, Strasbourg


CETA Debate in plenary

Inside hemicycle,

EP, Strasbourg

10:00 – 13:00


Everyone to tweet about CETA


Visible presence of GUE/NGL MEPs and STOP-CETA militants in front of plenary, with T-shirts and posters on reasons to reject CETA

*Photo opportunities


Arrival anti-CETA demo to Parliament and static protest


CETA vote in plenary

15:00 – 16:30

Meeting of Spanish Stop CETA/TTIP movement

invited by GUE/NGL (without interpretation)

Room S.3.7,

EP, Strasbourg


Left Caucus press conference: Struggle against CETA continues

MEPs: Anne-Marie Mineur (MEP, GUE/NGL), YannickJadot (MEP, Greens/EFA), and Georgi Pirinski (MEP, S&D)


Possible decentralised ANTI-CETA protests in several European cities (TBC)

Several European cities

THURSDAY 16 February


Speech of Trudeau. GUE/NGL MEPs could want to stand up with their T-shirt expressing why they oppose CETA