7 December | 16:00
European Parliament – Brussels
Room SPAAK 1C51
The Left will launch a new study, “Subcontracting: Exploitation by design. Tackling the social dumping business model” on 7 December at 16:00 in the European Parliament (Room SPAAK 1C51).
The study, researched and written by Silvia Borelli, professor at the University of Ferrara, sets out the case that subcontracting has now become the business model. As subcontracting often has a disastrous impact on workers’ rights and working conditions, the author explores existing legal frameworks and proposes new legislation to improve protection for workers.
Interpretation available in EN, FR
Introductory remarks from Marc Botenga MEP (The Left)
Workers’ perspective: Borealis scandal testimony.
Presentation of the study: Silvia Borelli, researcher, Professor at the University of Ferrara.
Trade Unions’ perspective: Liina Carr, ETUC Confederal Secretary and Tom Deleu, Secretary General European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW).
Exchange of views