
 “Uberisation” & “Slaveroo”

International trade agreements and their impact on online services

European Parliament, ASP 1G2

05 September 2018, 15.00 – 18.30


15. 00 – 15.15:  Opening 

by Gabi ZIMMER, MEP & President of the GUE/NGL group and MEP Stelios KOULOGLOU

15.15 – 16.15   The impact of international trade agreements on online services

Moderator: MEP Helmut SCHOLZ

Ms. Sanya Reid Smith, Third World Network

Ms. Maryant Fernández, Pérez Senior Policy Advisor EDRI 
Prof. Ursula Huws, University of Hertfordshire 

Q&A and Discussion

16.15-18.00:  Labour and Social aspects of the “Digitalworkforce”

Moderator: MEP Eleonora FORENZA

Ms.Marta Fana, Economist University ofSciences Po Paris
Mr.  Luca ScarpielloPolicy Officer – Social Care, Tax Justice and digitalization EPSU

Mr.  Nikos Xatzikostas, Representative of delivery services
Mr.  Francesco Gentilini, Spokeperson of the Riders Union Bologna
Mr. George Papanikolaou, Professor University of Harokopioand P2P Foundation  

Q&A and Discussion

18.00: Conclusion 

by MEP Anne-Marie MINEUR and MEP Stelios KOULOGLOU 



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