21th of November | European Parliament, Brussels
Thursday 18th | 14:30 – 17:30h | SPINELLI 1G2
Researchers and microworkers will come from all over the world (including Syria, Colombia, the US, Spain and Italy), to give testimony to the European Parliament on their working conditions and provide us with valuable insights into the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and the labour force behind it, highlighting the voices of data workers across Europe and beyond. This event is co-organised with esteemed researcher Antonio Casilli, Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Paris and author of the notable publication “En attendant les robots. Enquête sur le travail du clic.”.
Interpretation: French, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German.
Viewer link to Interactio Platform
14:30 – 15:00 | EnCOre Report
Introduction by Leila Chaibi, Member of European Parliament (The Left, France)
Presentation of the “EnCOre Report” on Data Microworkers: Milagros Miceli and Antonio Casilli
15:30 – 17:00h | Panels
“Meet the data workers”
Chair: Milagros Miceli, sociologist and computer scientist. She leads the research group Data, Algorithmic Systems, and Ethics at Weizenbaum-Institut and is a senior researcher at the DAIR Institute (Distributed AI Research)
- Oskarina Fuentes, has over ten years of experience as a freelance data worker on various online platforms, performing tasks essential to training artificial intelligence models.
- Yasser Al Rayes
- Nacho Barros, Spanish data worker who has worked for many different training data companies.
- Donatella Delpiano, Italian linguist working for a division of a company that sells training data to big tech customers in order to improve LLMs. She contributes to various tasks involving fact checking, creative writing and editing.
“Organising data work”
Chair: Antonio Casilli, Professor of Sociology at the Polytechnic Institute of Paris, and a researcher at the CNRS. Associate member of the LACI-IIAC (Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Critical Anthropology, formerly the Edgar Morin Center) at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris).
- Krystal Kauffman, research Fellow at DAIR/Lead Organizer at Turkopticon, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting for the rights of data workers around the world. Rising Stars in AI Ethics 2024, TechCrunch Women in AI 2024.
- Dylan Baker, former software engineer at Google Research on machine learning projects aimed at advancing AI capabilities. Research engineer at DAIR Institute. In addition, He serves on the Board of Directors for Women in AI Ethics.