
GUE/NGL MEP Lola Sánchez Caldentey (PODEMOS) today received the “Fair Politician of the Year” award for her parliamentary work on development related issues.

Presented since 2009 by the Max van der Stoel Foundation's Fair Politics programme, this award recognises an MEP's parliamentary work on developing countries and policy coherence in the field of development.

MEP Sánchez-Caldentey welcomed the award saying: “The title of Fair Politician is an important encouragement to keep on pushing for fairer and more coherent European policies. The EU, which pretends to stand as flagship on human rights, must move from word to actions and ensure the respect of human rights when engaging with private sector in development. Europe can play a key role in promoting peoples' dignity and wellbeing and therefore EU external policies must effectively take into account development objectives.”

The election is based on a year-long ranking system, where the programme awards MEPs with points if they table amendments, ask questions, write draft reports or opinions or table a motion that aims to make the European policies more fair and in line with the interests of developing countries.

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