
Bruxelles, 16/06/15

Europe of Nations and Freedom: a hypocritical name for an anti-Europe and anti-immigrant group

Commenting on the formation of a new far right group in the European Parliament, GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer said:

“The extreme right gathering around Marine Le Pen have finally succeeded in forming a political group in the European Parliament with more opportunities to spread their nationalist and discriminatory slogans. Now there are three right wing, nationalist and anti-immigrant groups to the right of the conservative European Peoples´ Party.”

“That makes it even more important for us to take resolute actions against the backward looking, nationalist and anti-social policies of the extreme right. The democratic forces in the EP cannot overlook the threat that this new group can pose to minorities across Europe, despite its facelift. The conservative EPP, especially, has to prove with whom they want to cooperate in the future. We will continue to fight for a social and democratic European Union based on solidarity which puts people before profits. “

“Many governments of EU Member States must ask themselves how much they have contributed to this shift to the right by sticking to anti-social policies and mass unemployment, made worse by the self-defeating austerity obsession of European leaders. The EU destroys the trust of its citizens by ignoring their concerns and expectations and representing mainly the interests of banks and corporations. Only a democratic EU dedicated to growth, employment and fair living standards can counter the appeal of these racist parties masquerading as defenders of the rights of ordinary citizens.”

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