
A new study that documents the murderous activities of Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn has been released by the European United Left/Nordic Green Left group in the European Parliament.

Commissioned to coincide with the trials of the Golden Dawn leadership for their roles in the violent murders and attempted killings of numerous political activists, migrant workers and trade unionists, the study by Kevin Ovenden – a veteran writer, activist and observer of Greek politics – outlines the modus operandi the group’s leadership uses to eliminate their rivals, often by violent means.

The study comes as today marks the fifth anniversary of the assassination of the Greek musician and activist, Pavlos Fyssas, in Nikea by a local Golden Dawn ‘battalion squad’ and with the coordination of the regional branch of the fascist organisation.

Commenting on the study, Greek MEP Kostadinka Kuneva said:

“The cruel assassination of the anti-fascist singer Pavlos Fyssas by the neo-Nazi organization Golden Dawn occurred exactly five years ago, and was a real shock for Greece. For three years now, 69 members of this criminal organization, along with its MPs, are being tried for this and many other crimes. The whole of Europe has to learn about the criminal action of Golden Dawn. It has to be clear to all of us, of course, that fascism, no matter how it masquerades, has no place in our democracies.”

Read here: http://ee-gue.spade/uploads/news-documents/kevin_ovenden_gd_trial_gue_final.pdf

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