Debating draft anti-money laundering rules this morning in the European Parliament, GUE/NGL MEPs welcomed new proposals to combat financial crime and tax evasion.
“Nobody doubts that proceeds from financial activities are a major problem,” Cypriot MEP Kyriacos Triantaphyllides told the house. “Controlling information that a company transfers is crucial when it comes to detection and location of criminal activities. Cooperation with third countries is necessary but can't come at the expense of data protection so data transfers should only go ahead when it comes to countries that have proper standards on this.”
Spanish MEP Willy Meyer welcomed the important progress being made on the legislative package against money laundering but said there would always be “problems with a private financial system that is unregulated. If such a set-up is not changed, it will unquestionably lead to corruption, scandals, and more money laundering.”
“This package makes money laundering more difficult and will help investigators to combat fraud – which occurs mostly in big companies, not small ones. Strengthening the specialised units for combatting fraud is very important in dealing with this scourge on society.”
The vote takes place today from 12 noon.
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