
Following yesterday's German Federal elections which saw Die Linke emerge as the third biggest political group in the Bundestag, GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer has described the results as encouraging for the Left in Europe.

“It proves that social and anti-war policies are at the heart of people's concerns,” she said.

She also expressed her regret that Merkel's re-election won't result in any shift away from the austerity doctrine at the European level.

She added: “Chancellor Merkel is in large part responsible for the dramatic austerity measures and the privatisation of public assets, services, and social security systems in the worst affected crisis-hit EU member states. It is more than regrettable that her re-election won't see any departure from these trends.”

Looking ahead to the European elections in May next year, Gabi Zimmer emphasised the importance of “Left parties fighting for a Europe that does not pit the poorest and richest countries against each other and where people don't have to fear the future anymore”.

GUE/NGL Press Contacts:
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
European United Left / Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group

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