
EU trade ministers are expected to meet in Bratislava this Friday to discuss among other things their position on CETA, the transatlantic free trade deal with Canada.
GUE/NGL MEP Anne-Marie Mineur called on the Council to reject the agreement:

“I hope that EU ministers listen to the voice of the people and reject this free trade deal with Canada. CETA is threatening more than 200 000 jobs in Europe as highlighted in a study by the Tufts institute. The ÖFSE institute confirmed too that this agreement with Canada won't bring us economic growth. CETA will endanger the environment and give undue power to Canadian and US companies to sue governments and local authorities for adopting social and environmental regulations. To even consider provisional application of the agreement before national parliaments have had the chance to discuss this highly controversial agreement is outrageous.” 
“Hundreds of thousands of citizens have come to the streets in Germany and Belgium this week to protest against these trade deals. In light of Brexit and ever growing expressions of public discontent, it is high time for EU leaders to change course and abandon CETA,” the Dutch MEP concluded.

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