
The 23rd Forum of São Paulo (FSP) – held in Nicaragua between 15 and 19 July – brought together dozens of democratic and progressive forces from Latin America and the Caribbean.

The event discussed the political situation in the region, the social and economic achievements of the past two decades and the threats from external intervention aimed at thwarting these developments from the US and the EU. The Forum also provided space for sharing of experiences of popular resistance and reflected upon the implementation of progressive policies in countries where left governments are in power.

Upon his return from the Forum, GUE/NGL MEP João Pimenta Lopes gave some highlights from the event:

“There was broad support for the victories in Nicaragua and Ecuador and expressions of solidarity with the governments of Cuba, Bolivia, El Salvador and Venezuela. Participants vocally denounced the role of the US and the EU in destabilising Venezuela and the efforts to overthrow the constitutional government of President Nicolas Maduro, rejecting external interference and aggression against the country and the threat of sanctions.”

“We paid homage to the resistance of the Cuban people in face of the continuation of the criminal blockade imposed by the US aimed at overthrowing the country’s revolution and rolling-back the achievements that derive from the Cuban people’s sovereign will,” Pimenta Lopes added.

“The current situation in Brazil was also a focus of analysis and broad support was expressed for former President Lula da Silva, recently convicted by a court to prevent his presidential candidacy, and for Dilma Rousseff, deposed by an illegal coup d’état.”

“The meeting culminated with commemorations of the 38th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution, with hundreds of people filling the streets showing the extent of popular support for the revolution,” the Portuguese MEP concluded.

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