
Gabi Zimmer, chair of the GUE / NGL group in the European Parliament, congratulates the left parties in Spain for their success in the Spanish parliamentary elections:

“Warm congratulations to Podemos for this incredible performance! Well done, Pablo! Podemos has given a vigorous boost to the ailing democracy in Spain, whose immune system was weakened by years of cronyism and corruption in the two-party system. The much-needed change in Spain is just around the corner. The two-party domination of the old elite has come to an end. My congratulations also go to the Izquierda Unida/Unidad Popular, EH Bildu and “En Marea” who have achieved good results and will send deputies to the Spanish Parliament. “
“As in Portugal and Greece before, millions of people in Spain no longer believe in the myth that austerity leads to a better future. On the contrary. They no longer want to pay the bills for which the major banks, real estate speculators and the corrupt political elite are responsible. Now is the time for all the progressive parties, with their renewed strength, to get down to the work of fighting corruption, unemployment and poverty. We will give them our active support. “

“Together with all the Spanish left-wing parties, we will continue to fight to end the neoliberal austerity dictate in the EU. We will aim for a social and solidarity-based EU, which is first and foremost there for people and not for investment banks and transnational corporations.”

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