
GUE/NGL strongly denounces and firmly rejects the ongoing process of political and economic interference and blackmail by the EU institutions, particularly the European Commission, against Portugal and Spain and their people. The so-called “sanctions” – whatever concrete form they take (whether they are fines, the suspension of EU funds or any other “symbolic” form) – are illegitimate and unacceptable. It is also unacceptable to instrumentalise this issue in order to reverse the advancements achieved by the Portuguese people in the last months.

The intended punishment of the Portuguese and Spanish people, who are currently victims of an economic and social crisis resulting from the policies imposed by the EU itself and pursued by their former governments, constitutes an aberration, a terrible injustice and an unacceptable act of aggression.

GUE/NGL deplores and rejects the mechanisms that frame the threats of “sanctions” by the EU, namely the Stability Pact, the Economic Governance packages and the Fiscal Compact.

The democratic choices of the Portuguese people and its sovereignty must be fully respected with no foreign interference. In this sense, GUE/NGL also deplores the declarations of the German finance minister and Commissioner Dombrovskis about the policies pursued by the Portuguese government.

Representatives of the four Spanish and Portuguese political delegations in the group commented:

João Ferreira (PCP, Portugal): “It’s the right – and the need – of the Portuguese people to free itself from all sorts of mechanisms of political and economic interference and domination.”

Marisa Matias (BE, Portugal): “Sanctions have nothing to do with targets or fiscal consolidation, they are political and aim to condemn the Portuguese people.”

Marina Albiol (Izqueirda Plural, Spain): “With these actions the EU proves that within its rules it is impossible to design policies to end poverty and put the economy in the hands of the people.”

Xabier Benito (Podemos, Spain): “We are convinced that there are other ways to overcome the almost ten years of continuing economic crisis. Deficit constraints must be relaxed allowing policies for fair, sustainable and inclusive growth.”

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