
Left MEPs have strongly criticised today's plenary adoption of a text that attacks civil liberties in the name of fostering security.

The text was particularly problematic given it opens the door for rushed EU Passenger Name Record (PNR) legislation. GUE/NGL insists that we need a proper Commission in-depth assessment and to wait for the ECJ ruling on the EU-Canada PNR agreement.

“We strongly oppose blanket data collection measures. This won't create more security. What would help would be putting more focus on preventive policies, increasing social-economic inclusiveness, halting welfare cuts in the social sector, and breaking with a disastrous string of foreign policy decisions,” said German MEP Cornelia Ernst.

“We need to end racism in Europe and the marginalisation of minorities, fight social exclusion and increase our efforts for social cohesion. We must realise that the new tools of policing, like profiling and the various forms of data retention are received as discrimination by those affected, aggravating the daily experience of racism for many Europeans, in the double form of islamophobia and antisemitism.”

Italian MEP Barbara Spinelli said: “We voted against this text as the main thrust is on security and safety measures and not on attempting to get to the roots of this lack of safety, and what these new measures would mean for citizens' rights. These emergency EU anti-terrorism measures rushed through in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks will do nothing to tackle the real origins of terrorism.

“Terrorism is being generated in countries such as Iraq, where the Sunni population is humiliated, and is being promoted by Saudi Arabia. As a first step we should ensure that there are no further arms exports to these areas.”

GUE/NGL Press Contacts:
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
European United Left / Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group

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