
GUE/NGL MEPs expressed their strong support and solidarity to SYRIZA and its policies in the run up to the forthcoming Greek parliamentary elections at the group's meeting in Brussels today.

A victory by SYRIZA would be a clear and historic message for change both in Greece and the whole of Europe and against the neo-liberal policies and austerity measures that have damaged social cohesion and failed to tackle the economic crisis, providing no prospects for economic recovery, growth and fighting unemployment.

The Group unanimously and strongly voiced its full opposition to the scaremongering fear campaign by certain EU officials and government leaders to influence the pre-election campaign in Greece, by suggesting scenarios of chaos and catastrophe and by bullying and inflicting terror on the Greek people in case of a victory by SYRIZA. This unprecedented interference jeopardises both the sovereignty of Greece and democracy in Europe.

The Group’s members stated that they were ready to actively participate in joint activities to demonstrate the importance of an electoral victory by SYRIZA and a subsequent U-turn towards a more democratic, equal and social Europe. This could be a boost for other parties and countries under severe austerity programmes to challenge neo-liberal policies and troika memoranda, which have derailed Europe from its values and goals. This could also be the answer not only to austerity but also to the lurking ultra-right anti-European forces.

Greek SYRIZA MEP Dimitris Papadimoulis reassured the meeting that a 'Grexit' and leaving the EU is not an option for SYRIZA, which is undeniably a pro-European force.

He said: “More and more people in Europe recognise this and are ready to discuss with SYRIZA how to bring about a better future for European citizens. With concrete strategic planning, a credible and realistic programme, optimism and commitment, SYRIZA is ready to face the challenges ahead, including the tough negotiations with its debtors and fighting to ensure that Greece is not a long-term debt colony.”

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