
Ahead of tonight's meeting of the Governing Council of the ECB and of the Finance Ministers of the euro zone, taking place tomorrow in Luxembourg, the President of the GUE/NGL group reiterated once again the solidarity of the group with the Greek people and their stand against failed austerity.

Gabi Zimmer said “Five months have elapsed since the clear mandate given by the Greek people to SYRIZA. It is high time that the European Commission, the ECB and the leaders of the Member States realize their responsibilities. Democracy has to be respected on all levels, at all times, as one of the EU´s basic values. The European Institutions cannot play with the future of the EU and with the lives of the Greek people.

The institutions are displaying a singular reluctance to take into account the devastating effects their policies have had, of the endless recession which they have produced, but mostly of the extent of the humanitarian crisis which has hit the country. We cannot fathom the rationale behind more cuts and further austerity measures which will further worsen the situation of Greece and its population. Greece also needs a solution to its unsustainable public debt problem in order to recover and initiate a social and economic development.

The Greek government has presented concrete proposals reflecting the outcome of the previous negotiations. Greece cannot be the only partner taking steps towards reaching a compromise solution. Now it is time for European decision-makers to respond in a similar spirit and provide constructive and viable solutions to a problem which, if it remains untreated, may well signal the beginning of EU´s dissolution.

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