
Three GUE/NGL MEPs are in La Paz today for the inauguration of Bolivian President Evo Morales and Vice-President Álvaro García Linera.

The MEPs on the delegation are: Marina Albiol (Izquierda Unida, Spain), as Vice-President of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly; Tania González (Podemos, Spain), as Vice-President of the Delegation for Relations with the Andean Community; and Inês Zuber (Portuguese Communist Party), as a member of Eurolat.

They will participate in the ritual ceremony at the Kalasasaya Temple, as well as in the formal ceremony at the Plurinational Legislative Assembly and the Government Palace. Representatives from over 40 countries will also take part in the ceremony.

In October, elections were held in the Plurinational State of Bolivia to choose the President and Vice-President, as well as senators and members of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly, and, for the first time, supranational representatives in regional organisations. It was also the first time that Bolivians living abroad were able to cast their vote. President Evo Morales was re-elected with 61.4% of the votes.

The GUE/NGL delegation was invited by the Chancellor of the Plurinational State of Bolivia’s Office. The visit symbolises the ongoing friendly relations between the Latin American and Caribbean left and the GUE/NGL.

GUE/NGL delegation contact in Bolivia:
Elvira Hernández: 0032474375720

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