
In light of the on-going humanitarian disaster in Gaza as a result of Israel's latest deadly military attack, the GUE/NGL group is calling on the EU to act urgently.

GUE/NGL MEPs have launched a petition calling for an end to the bloodshed and invite MEPs from other groups as well as citizens from around the world to join them.

The petition calls on the European Parliament, Council and Commission to act urgently for:

  • an immediate cease-fire;
  • secure access to humanitarian aid and urgent medical supplies for the people of the Gaza Strip;
  • action to ensure Israel respects international human rights and humanitarian law as stipulated by Article 2 of the EU-Israel Association Agreement;
  • a freezing of the EU-Israel Association Agreement as long as Israel continues violating international human rights and humanitarian law, including the blockade of the Gaza Strip, the continuation of settlement construction in the occupied Palestinian territory, and all actions that destroy the viability of a two-state solution.

The MEPs also demand all EU member-states implement the 19th July 2013 Guidelines on the eligibility of Israeli entities and their activities in the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967 for grants, prizes and financial instruments funded by the EU from 2014 onwards, by banning the import to the EU of Israeli products produced in the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

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