
At the 'She Decides' conference in Brussels today, representatives from 40 countries as well as many NGOs will discuss action on this issue.

Spanish MEP, Ángela Vallina, comments: “This conference points out how the current US government has been working. She Decides is a platform for international action against Trump's sexist 'gag rule' which undermines the core work of many NGOs.”

“By consequence, thousands of women are now condemned to not receive basic health services in areas where there are no other means to receive these services. The EU should raise its voice on this issue.”

The conference was initiated by ministers responsible for international aid in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium. So far, the Netherlands and Belgium have each pledged 10 million euros to help address the funding shortfall.

Swedish MEP, Malin Björk, adds: “It is not only up to individual countries to carry the weight of this problem. The EU should also stand up for women's health and rights. The EU is the largest single aid donor globally, therefore the EU's position on this issue really matters.”

“On our initiative, the European Parliament has adopted a position that requires the EU to get involved and compensate for the Trump administration's anti-women policies.

“It is not reasonable that we have not yet heard anything further from the EU, not a peep! The Parliament has signalled that we want the EU to expand the share of aid going to sexual and reproductive health services and rights, especially abortion care. Why is there now such an embarrassing silence from the Council?” Björk implored.


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Nikki Sullings  +32 22 83 27 60 / +32 483 03 55 75

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