
GUE/NGL MEPs strongly condemn today's violent eviction of part of “the jungle” in Calais. Volunteers reported high levels of violence by the CRS, the French security forces, who have been forcing people out of their homes despite the government's commitment to evacuate them progressively and without any violence. Volunteers and NGOs have also questioned the fact that the government's promise to only destroy empty or abandoned shelters today has not been respected.

French GUE/NGL MEP Marie-Christine Vergiat comments: “As usual, the government's promises about Calais do not appear to have been kept. We were promised a phased evacuation without violence. They talk of humanism and firmness. What we are seeing is firmness and violence. Decidedly humanism is not part of this government's vocabulary. These men, women and children are human beings. They must be treated with humanity and dignity while respecting their rights. “

GUE/NGL MEP Miguel Urbán adds: “The images we are seeing and the testimonies by the pro-human rights organizations in the area and by the people who are directly affected are horrifying and outrageous because of their arbitrariness and brutality. The French government and the European Union are showing once again that they only act quickly and decisively when it comes to attacking the most vulnerable people and their rights, avoiding to tackle the structural causes of the forced movement of hundreds of thousands of people who need protection and who are seeking proper care, protection and dignified integration.”

Note for the press: GUE/NGL MEPs went to Calais on Tuesday 1st December to assess the situation in 'the jungle' refugee camp where at that time around 4,500 refugees were living.  he delegation aimed to evaluate the situation on the ground in the camp in light of reports of appalling living conditions, rape, police violence and attacks from far-right extremists. The delegation met with NGOs and refugees on site. See GUE/NGL press release on the visit here: http://ee-gue.spade/news/article/gue-ngl-meps-shocked-at-undignified-conditions-of-refugees-in-calais

GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20

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