
“It is necessary to remind the Brazilian government that its actions regarding the rights of indigenous people over their original territories are being closely observed by the international community,” remarks Estefania Torres.

“The government of President Micher Temer is threatening the indigenous people with a huge setback to the constitutional right to their land.”

The Guarani-Kaoiwá people also face serious human rights abuses including the Caarapó massacre in which around 50 indigenous people were killed, as well hunger and lack of access to water.

During meetings held both in the Annual Assembly of Indigenous Communities in Dourados and in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, the MEPs discussed a recently adopted resolution of the European Parliament with Brazilian deputies, senators and representatives of the indigenous people.

The resolution urges the Government of Brazil to regulate and protect the right of the Guaraní-Kaiowá people in their original territories, and to investigate and condemn the murders, reprisals and attacks on these human rights defenders.

Torres also highlights that the resolution is insufficient: “We must demand the fulfilment of human rights in Brazil as a condition of trade agreements negotiated with Mercosur.”

Maria Matias adds: “The Guarani-Kaoiwá people are being subjected to the largest genocide amongst the Brazilian communities whilst at the same time multinational corporations such as Monsanto and Bayer are taking control of large amounts of land for monoculture.”

“Products such as soy and sugar cane that arrive via trade to the rest of the world, including Europe, carry with them indigenous blood. We cannot be silent witnesses to these deaths,” said Matias.


GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Nikki Sullings  +32 22 83 27 60 / +32 483 03 55 75

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