
Eight GUE/NGL MEPs will participate in a major anti-austerity protest at the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt tomorrow (18th March).

The Blockupy demonstration – organised by a coalition of social movements, trade unions, and left parties from across Europe – is being held on the same day that the ECB officially opens its new headquarters.

GUE/NGL MEPs took part in previous Blockupy demonstrations in 2012 and 2013. In May 2014 decentralised action days were held in dozens of cities across Europe.

Participating MEPs: Eleonora Forenza (L'altra Europa con Tsipras, Italy); Paloma Lopez and Lidia Senra (Izquierda Plural, Spain); Miguel Urban (Podemos, Spain); Josu Juaristi (Bildu, Basque Country); Sabine Lösing (Die Linke, Germany); Malin Björk (Vansterpartiet, Sweden); and Luke 'Ming' Flanagan (Independent, Ireland).

Press contact in Frankfurt:
Judith Benda: 0049 162 1885 488

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