
The specific measures – adopted without amendments – would modify the provisions in the cohesion policy by increasing EU funding to 100 per cent for the 2007-2013 funding period (instead of requiring co-financing), disbursing 5 per cent of the budget immediately and improving pre-finance arrangements for projects in 2015 and 2016.

As Greece remains deeply entangled in the ongoing economic crisis and is sorely lacking in liquidity and investment, the pressing nature of the situation requires urgent measures, underline the Members of the GUE/NGL.

If this rapid procedure was not validated by the European Parliament and the European Council by the end of 2015, part of the funds that could be available would be lost as the 2007-2013 funding period comes to an end.

“It is absolutely essential to show solidarity to our Greek friends in these difficult times,” explains Younous Omarjee, MEP from the GUE/NGL group and First Vice President of the REGI Committee.

The Committee's decision must now be certified by the upcoming Plenary session in Strasbourg in October and by the European Council.
MEPs of the GUE/NGL group sitting on the REGI Committee:
Younous Omarjee
Martina Michels
Ángela Vallina
Dimitrios Papadimoulis
Martina Anderson
Josu Juaristi Abaunz


GUE/NGL Press Contact:
Nikki Sullings  +32 22 83 27 60 / +32 483 03 55 75
[email protected] 

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