
GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer, Basque MEP Josu Juaristi and the group’s Spanish MEPs have voiced their deep concern at the attempt by the Spanish government to prevent the candidature of Arnaldo Otegi from standing for the presidency of the Basque Autonomous Community. 

Mr Otegi was democratically elected as EH Bildu's candidate for Lehendakari, and Gabi Zimmer and Josu Juaristi fully support his right to stand for the upcoming elections due on 25th September in the Basque country.

Any decision to prevent his right to stand for office would seriously undermine democracy in a member state of the European Union.

Zimmer, Juaristi and the Spanish delegation hereby declare their solidarity with both Arnaldo Otegi and EH Bildu – the Basque coalition member of GUE/NGL in the European Parliament – and their stand against democratic injustice.

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