
GUE/NGL strongly rejects the spirit and the content of the so called “5 Presidents' Report” that was published yesterday.

Despite what is claimed by its authors, the report does not simply portray their “personal views” on the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union. Rather, it engages the 5 institutions they represent in a clear attempt at expanding and deepening the very logic of economic governance that has had disastrous effects for the peoples of Europe. The 5 Presidents' Report aims at the ultimate institutionalisation of austerity. And we will fight that institutionalisation at the European Parliament and in each and all of our countries.

As a model of economic governance, austerity is responsible for the growing inequality, poverty and social exclusion in European societies; the unacceptable levels of unemployment and precarious work; the systematic attack on labour, public services and social rights; the unsustainable public debts that are used to blackmail democratically elected governments and override popular sovereignty; and the pervasive lack of democratic control and accountability affecting the EU institutions. Today, the model of economic governance put forth by the EU has not only proven to be inefficient and unsustainable; it constitutes a threat to the most basic conquests and principles of our democratic societies.

In our view, these are not technical or merely economic problems. They are political in nature and require an urgent, radically different solution, one that will truly uphold the principles of democracy, equality, justice and solidarity for all. Our idea of Europe is incompatible with austerity. The peoples of Europe deserve another way.


Responding to the 5 Presidents' report GUE NGL MEPs 


GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20

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