
We, members of the GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament, would like to express our deep concerns over the current situation in Ukraine.

On 4th September 2016, the office of Inter TV station was attacked and set alight by right-wing nationalists. Although no one was injured, journalists, editors and independent media organisations such as NewsOne channel are constantly being threatened with physical violence by the far-right.

We utterly condemn such attacks on the media orchestrated by the authorities on the democratic and progressive forces.

We at GUE/NGL call on Ukraine to unswervingly respect the principles of political pluralism, the independence of the media and the democratic rights of its people. Such acts of violence and intimidation will have severe ramifications and negative consequences for its people.

GUE/NGL hereby expresses its solidarity with all the democratic forces and progressives currently fighting for democracy in Ukraine.

GUE/NGL MEP signatories:

Nikolaos Chountis (Popular Unity, Greece), Javier Couso (Izquierda Plural, Spain), Fabio De Masi (DIE LINKE, Germany),  João Ferreira (PCP, Portugal), João Pimenta Lopes (PCP, Portugal), Sabine Lösing (DIE LINKE, Germany), Dimitrios Papadimoulis (Syriza, Greece), Tania González Peñas (Podemos, Spain), Neoklis Sylikiotis (AKEL, Cyprus), Estefania Torres Martinez (Podemos, Spain) and Miguel Viegas (PCP, Portugal).

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