
Yesterday, the President of the United States made a speech on his administration’s new approach regarding the relations between the US and Cuba, and the decision to reverse the Obama administration’s policies towards Cuba. In his speech, the US President said that America will impose his policy against the Cuban people by enforcing the maintenance of the criminal blockade; by enforcing a ban on tourism; and by enforcing a prohibition of any financial transaction with Cuba.

GUE/NGL demands the US administration to immediately devolve the illegally-occupied Cuban national territory in Guantanamo Bay to the Cuban people, and the urgent removal of the criminal blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States which, for almost six decades, continues to violate the rights of the entire Cuban population and has caused immense suffering and scarcity.

Our group is following and participating actively in the European Parliament’s discussion on the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union, its member states and the Republic of Cuba. GUE/NGL recognises the important steps taken in these negotiations and in the normalisation of the relations between the EU and Cuba, such as the removal of the Common Position of 1996. GUE/NGL underlines the importance that the EU, its member states and its institutions maintain a constructive and understanding approach in the negotiations that respect the will of the Cuban people and avoid any external interference or conditionalities in the internal affairs of Cuba.        

GUE/NGL warmly reaffirms its solidarity with the Cuban revolution and with the struggle of the Cuban people in defence of their integrity and sovereignty.

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