
Co-Shadow Rapporteur MEP, Javier Couso, comments: “We are celebrating the upcoming signature of the Agreement on Political Dialogue and Cooperation between the European Union and Cuba. It is a bilateral agreement built on the frank dialogue between the two sides, based on sincere respect and open to all topics.”

“This agreement effectively means the final nail in the coffin of the infamous Common Position on Cuba promoted by the Spanish ex-president, José María Aznar, who tried to emulate as a bad copy the policy of aggression that the US has sustained against Cuba to achieve a government submissive to its interests.”

The Spanish MEP explained that GUE/NGL will vote in favour of the recommendation that grants the approval of the agreement, but will vote against the report on the proposal for a non-legislative resolution: “The first version drafted by the Rapporteur was balanced and positive, and all the political groups in the European Parliament would have supported it. But unfortunately, some groups introduced changes that pervert the text and make it a resolution that aims to put pressure on Cuba to transition towards neoliberalism.”

“Some in this Parliament should learn the lessons of history. Cuba has a proud history of more than 50 years of resistance to imperialism, and the attempts of the United States have failed to break down an island that is small in population, but huge in dignity and sovereignty.”

Co-Shadow Rapporteur, Sofia Sakorafa, adds: “Despite the diverging views, it took only two years to finalise the negotiations. This is due to the fact that both sides showed mutual trust to respect the political commitments and worked with the necessary dedication.” 

“However, despite the considerable effort made by the Rapporteur, it is regrettable that certain political groups tried to convert this resolution into a resolution on human rights. This has never been done before and the political expediencies behind it are obvious. 

“Nonetheless, I believe that approving the agreement and a rapid completion of the ratification by the competent authorities of the member states is undeniably in the interest of all,” concludes the Greek MEP.

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