
The adoption of a European Parliament resolution calling on member states to recognise the state of Palestine has been welcomed by GUE/NGL MEPs today – despite the text's shortcomings.

“We supported this joint resolution on the recognition of the Palestinian state as a principled step in the right direction,” said Irish MEP Martina Anderson. “This is a huge step forward for the global struggle against Israeli's occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people.”

Anderson, Chair of Parliament's Delegation for Relations with the Palestine Legislative Council, continued: “Recognition of a Palestinian state, its people and its borders, and the end of the occupation is a long-overdue international obligation and a positive step towards peace. Member states must now formally recognise a sustainable Palestinian state being established on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Cypriot MEP Neoklis Sylikiotis said: “Palestinian recognition is established in UN Resolutions and a number of national Parliaments in EU member states have already called on their respective governments to recognise Palestine. The Palestinian people's right to self-determination has been enshrined in international resolutions for 66 years.

“We call on all parties to refrain from any action which may undermine the viability and the prospects of the two-state solution. This means that the expansion of settlements must end and the apartheid wall must be dismantled. We also need an immediate end to attacks on holy sites and Palestinian property.”

French MEP Patrick Le Hyaric said: “The European Parliament has shown that it is on the side of the 135 states that have already recognised the Palestinian state. Recognising Palestine is in the interests of the Israeli citizens too. The Israeli onslaught in Gaza this summer highlighted that more and more people around the world are against Israel's occupation – adopting this resolution brings us one step further towards the goal of ending it.”

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