
GUE/NGL congratulates the newly elected president of Ecuador Lenin Moreno and his Vice-President Jorge Glas on the result of the popular vote in the second round of the country’s presidential elections.  They won with 51.6 per cent of the vote as confirmed by the National Electoral Council. GUE/NGL salutes the social movements that supported their campaign, among them Alianza País, as well as other progressive and democratic forces.

This victory comes at an important moment for the country, with the defeat of a broad coalition on the right, sending a strong message of rejection against imperialist efforts trying to undermine the progress made in the last two decades. This result will enable the continuation of the “citizen’s revolution” that Moreno’s candidacy represented.

We consider this as a victory of confidence, resistance and persistence of an entire people who insist upon their sovereign right to decide about their own future and that reject foreign interference, namely from countries that see Latin America as their backyard.

While welcoming Moreno’s victory, GUE/NGL MEPs reject plans by the right-wing candidate to undermine the election result with an administrative gerrymandering aimed at subverting the ballot.

GUE/NGL is confident that President Lenin Moreno and Vice-President Jorge Glass will continue to advance a “citizen’s revolution” based on fairness, solidarity and inclusiveness, and fight against poverty, for social justice and the defence of workers’ and people’s rights and for sovereignty and the interests of the Ecuadorian people.

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