


  • Brexit,
  • Good Friday Agreement,
  • North of Ireland

As Boris Johnson doubles down on the British government’s push to override the Withdrawal Agreement, Martin Schirdewan MEP, GUE/NGL co-president and a member on the EU Parliament’s UK Coordination Group has commented:

“By attacking the Good Friday Agreement, the British government has turned the Withdrawal Agreement into a global issue. This crucial peace agreement must now be defended by the international community.”

“The Withdrawal Agreement will not be renegotiated. Nor can it be unilaterally reinterpreted or misinterpreted by the British government for domestic political purposes.”

“The European Union and the United States of America have played an important role in supporting and advancing the peace process in Ireland, and have a particular responsibility to safeguard the Good Friday Agreement.”

“I welcome recent statements from senior political figures from across the political spectrum in the US, including from Joe Biden, that a US-UK free trade agreement will not proceed through the Congress if Boris Johnson fails to uphold the Good Friday Agreement.”

“This is a positive indication that the US is willing to defend the Irish peace process in partnership with the EU.”




Photo courtesy of Tim Reckmann on Flickr
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