
Top European leaders met in Paris yesterday at a 'Youth Unemployment Summit' to deliver a big nothing in terms of proposals to tackle one of the single most reprehensible aspects of the ongoing European economic disaster.


“Levels of youth unemployment remain above 50% in several countries, how far do they have to go before action is taken – 70, 80, or 90%? These shocking rates are probably the best reflection of the nightmare being lived by millions of people across the EU, yet all Angela Merkel has to say is that 'policy does not create jobs',” GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer said.


“Is this summary of the deliberate helplessness of the current EU leadership really all those who have plunged Europe into recession have to say to young people and the unemployed? Sadly, their words are backed up by deeds as we saw in this week's budget negotiations. The lack of a credible level of investment to deal with this major social and economic problem is scandalous. Next week, our group will speak out for real solutions to the crisis by voting against the austerity budget for 2014 and the depleted MFF being put forward for 2014-2020. This grave-digging of the European project must end for the sake of current and future generations.”

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