
GUE/NGL MEPs showed their solidarity with Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli jails today in Ramallah.

In a meeting with the Palestinian Prisoners Society, the MEP delegation heard about the increased number of people in administrative detention (interment) since Israel's latest attack on Gaza.  Over the last two months there have been 2000 Palestinians in prison. The Palestinian prison population now stands at 7000.

Many Palestinians have been in jail for over 30 years.

GUE/NGL MEP Josu Juaristi said: “Israel does not respect international law, the government acts with impunity. The conditions in Israeli prisons are appalling.  Many prisoners have serious health problems and are awaiting operations.

“Despite the fact that prisoners come from the West Bank some are being released to Gaza, an open air prison that they cannot leave. Others are deported to Turkey or Syria. Families of prisoners are often intimidated too.”

GUE/NGL MEP Pablo Iglesias said: “Before the onslaught in Gaza there were 11 PLC parliamentarians in jail, now there are 35, with 33 under administrative detention. There is no rhyme nor reason as to why Parliamentarians are being detained, the rational falls under the vague umbrella of 'national security'. For those who do get a trial there is little justice to be found in the Israeli judicial system.”

Press contact:
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
[email protected]

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