


  • european commission,
  • von der Leyen

In a letter today to the Commission President-elect, GUE/NGL co-Presidents Manon Aubry (France Insoumise, France) and Martin Schirdewan (DIE LINKE, Germany) urge rethinking of proposed fragmented portfolios for Commissioners, stress the problem of conflicts of interest among Commissioners-designate, and raise key policy concerns on economics, climate, gender equality and new tech.

On the controversial “European Way of Life” portfolio, which resonates closely with the far right’s agenda, the Left proposes a direction that is closer to the aspirations of EU citizens, suggesting the job title be changed to “For a Europe of Diversity and Solidarity”, including responsibility for a civilian search and rescue body.

“Knowing that Europe will either be social and ecological or it, simply, will not be at all, we urge you, even at this very last moment, to take the above into consideration and proceed with changes that would be for the benefit of the peoples of Europe and the planet,” Aubry and Schirdewan conclude.

You can read the full letter to here.

You can also follow our blog for Day 1 of the hearings here.

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